Obviously, as a college student, I spend quite a bit of time studying, and I am absolutely incapable of staying in one spot to study at all times. My roommate Elizabeth can sit in the exact same spot on her bed every day and be productive, but that would drive me stir crazy. So I do a lot of rotating, and because of that I like to consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of excellent study spots both on and off campus. So I present to you a selection of my favorites, and the best times to inhabit them:
1. The Honors Room. Join the honors program just for this—couches, tables, and brightly painted furniture tucked in a room with a lot of windows right in Sedgwick. I hit this place up after morning classes so I don’t even have to leave the building. And maybe I’ve taken a nap or two on one of those couches…
2. Rock Room. This is a tricky spot to maneuver. It is in our main building, Massman (think student union), so you’re bound to run into EVERYONE you know there. But if I grab an orange and put in some headphones, my favorite booth there is a good place to enjoy some morning productivity without quite locking myself away.
3. Library. If only for the windows. If you’ve got a couple of hours to kill in the afternoon, posting up in a chair by the third floor windows with a view if St. Francis Church is the best way to do it—sit there in the fall when the leaves are beautiful and you’ll never want to leave.
4. Conway Classroom. This is the big guns. Normally at night I like to do homework at my kitchen table, or sometimes I will head to the library if there is someone else there to study with, but a classroom in Conway, the business building, is where I go if I need to get some serious work done. This is a test-tomorrow-cover-the-whiteboard-with-notes kind of location. You sometimes have to call security to get them to unlock the door for you, but it is worth it if you’re going to be working until 3:00 am. And they have a computer with speakers and a projector, so you can blast your Pandora station while clicking through an Art History PowerPoint.
5. KC Public Library. This is where I am right now, and it’s the perfect weekend location. Every time my parents have visited Kansas City since my freshman year, my mom has always told me that I should study at this library, because it has a solid wall of windows overlooking the plaza. I wish I had followed that advice sooner than this year. I’m looking out the windows right now (the only obstacle to getting things done here) and seeing nothing but bright blue sky and the towers and balconies of the Spanish-style plaza architecture. My friend Emily and I have a book-filled but sunny afternoon ahead of us, and if we top it off with a late lunch and a little more work at the plaza Panera (for the record, I’m from St. Louis, so I’ll always call it Bread Co.), the whole homeworking on a Saturday business doesn’t seem too daunting.
Here is a map of campus if you want to check out any of the locations I mentioned: http://www.rockhurst.edu/campus-map/
That little corner of windows is where I am currently sitting!
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