The Fabulous Life of Allison Marie Catherine Body
After getting up from my kitchen table three times for some chocolate icing, rearranging my pantry shelf, and checking my facebook, I think I have had enough time to ponder this first post: introducing myself.
After getting up from my kitchen table three times for some chocolate icing, rearranging my pantry shelf, and checking my facebook, I think I have had enough time to ponder this first post: introducing myself.
The Basics: My name is Allison Marie Catherine Body, I am a junior at Rockhurst, and I am a whopping 5 feet tall. I’m from St. Louis (and for all you St. Louisans with that infamous question on the tip of your tongues, I graduated from Cor Jesu Academy). I am double majoring in English and Theology with a minor in Art History (hopefully)—this is the part where everyone raises their eyebrows and says “Ohh, interesting, what do you plan on doing with that?” Editing. I would love to either edit books for a publishing company or work for some sort of literary journal or magazine. And if that fails, I’ll just end up being a crazy cat lady living in my pre-med roommate’s basement with nothing but my typewriter and bathrobe. But I’m holding out for the editing.
The Many Pies I Have a Finger in at Rockhurst: I’m involved in CLC (Christian Life Communities, a branch of Campus Ministry), Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority, the honors program, English Club, Random Acts of Kindness Spreaders (RAKERS), Visiting Scholars Committee, Learning Center tutoring, Rockhurst Review editing, and a few other random things. I take after my mother in my need to fill every minute of my schedule, and that compounded with my inability to say “no” to any commitment keeps me pretty busy. But although I gripe and moan occasionally to my roommates about my lack of sleep, I really do love everything I’m involved in at Rockhurst, as well as the students, staff and faculty I have gotten to know, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So there you have it—everything you need to know about Allison Marie Catherine Body. Bottom line: I’m livin’ it up at Rockhurst, as they say. If you’ll allow an English major her literary quotes, Thoreau says “suck out all the marrow of life,” and that’s what I’m about doing during my time at Rockhurst. And I’m looking forward to blogging all about it.
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